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tv   Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs  CNN  April 9, 2019 2:00am-3:00am PDT

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>> i do have tickets. it's a big week. "game of thrones" starts sunday. >> i've got a lot of managing of my consumption of television and movies. "early start" continues right now. >> virginia captures its first ever men's basketball title in an overtime thriller. democrats plan to grill attorney general bill barr about the mueller report and a capitol hill hearing just hours from now. israelis are voting right now as long time prime minister benjamin netanyahu's reign hangs in the balance. i'm ready to solve these problems. i'm running for president of the united states. >> a new democratic candidate just joined the 2020 race for the white house, and boy is it a crowded field. it looks like we will at some point next couple of weeks be over 20, which is a record.
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good morning, everyone, welcome to "early start," i'm dave briggs. >> i'm christine romans, tuesday, april 9th. 5:00 a.m. in the east. texas tech and virginia playing a thriller last night. for the first time in their history, virginia is the national champion. andy scholes was at the game in minneapolis, and has more in this morning's bleacher report. >> reporter: good morning, guys, this was one of the greatest championship games we have ever seen. it was emotional swing after emotional swing, and in the end, virginia getting redemption. you know, last year, they were the joke of the tournament becoming the first team ever to lose to a 16 seed. that loss now a distant memory. this game a nail biter at the end. 45 seconds left. virginia up by one. jared culliver going to get the lay up to go. that put texas tech up by one. the red raiders up by 3 with 15 seconds left, when deandre
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hunter knocks it down. the clutch three to tie this up for the 8th time in championship game history, we would go to overtime, and in the extra period, hunter, again, hitting a big three for virginia. they would take the lead and never give it back. hunter scoring a career high of 27 points in the game. cavaliers win 85-77. incredible turn around for the school. kyle guy named the tournament's most outstanding player. caught up with him on the court as he helped cut down the nets. >> what's the feeling like going from the joke of the tournament to the champions. >> it's a fight through that humiliation and embarrassment that we felt for the ultimate redemption story. it feels great and i'm so excited for this team, for my family and charlottesville, university of virginia. >> we lost in the first round last year to a 16 seed but we just won the national championship, i don't feel like as much people can say now. >> we have been in their shoes,
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the way they are feeling, the different types of ways. to be the first to do something in history on the bad side, and the next year come back on the good side of history means everything. >> the students in charlottesville flooding the streets to celebrate. virginia, they are the champions for the very first time in school history, and i'll tell you what, the way this team used that embarrassment of last year's loss to a 16 seed and used it as motivation, as opposed to running for it, very impressive as they went through this tournament, guys, and they had to win three nail biters to get here to this point, so hats off to them for an incredible run and you have to feel for those kids, they played their hearts out. it was one incredible game here in minneapolis. >> you know, we talked about defense wins championships. these are two of the best defenses in the country. it was a high powered entertaining offensive game in the end, wasn't it, andy?
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>> you know, early on, everyone was joking, dave because after the first time out, i believe it was 4-2. everyone was like, oh, my goodness, first team to 20 might win this game. then the office flood gates opened and it was a very entertaining game. many clutch moments, the emotion from the students i was sitting right behind was unbelievable, and you know, all we could hope for was a great game like that, and that's what we got. >> got to be happy for tony bennett. andy scholes, appreciate it my friend. let's turn from march madness to mueller madness. bill barr facing lawmakers this morning for the first time since issuing his four page summary of the 300-plus page mueller report. we're already hearing house democrats who plan to grill barr about it. house prappropriations chairwom, kn nita lowry.
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your four page summary seems to cherry pick from the report to favor the president. questions about any redactions barr plans to make. senior congressional reporter, manu raju with more from capitol hill. >> reporter: good morning, christine and dave. bill barr coming before the house appropriations subcommittee that oversees his budget to talk about the president's request for funding for the justice department but even though bill barr's opening statement does not mention the mueller report, that is going to be the focus of today's hearing. democrats in particular plan to push bill barr over the 4-page letter he sent outlining the top line conclusions of the mueller investigation. also, they want to understand why he did not charge the president with obstruction of justice with his decision making behind that, as well as how he's handling the effort to redact information from the mueller report before it becomes public. i had a chance to talk to one
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congressman who plans to do the questioning at today's hearing, and he said redactions are going to be a key line of questioning. how much is he going to redact, and i hope that he takes a very sparing approach to his redactions because he knows that everybody's going to want to know what's behind the black ink. >> the start of two days of testimony for big barr. he will come before the senate appropriations budget committee on wednesday. today will be a first sense of how barr plans to handle the mueller report, and see if it sheds light on his thinking. the top republican on the house judiciary committee is calling on robert mueller to testify. it's not clear whether the special counsel will oblige. georgia republican doug collins writing a letter, asking mueller to testify later this month. he says if you seek both transparency and for the american public to learn the contours of the special counsel's investigation, public testimony from special counsel
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mueller himself is undoubtedly the best way to accomplish his goal. nadler agrees, tweeting he must receive the special counsel's full report and hear from attorney general barr on may 2nd. nadler says he looks forward to hearing from mueller at the appropriate time. president trump appears to be overseeing a systemic purchase at the -- purge at the department of homeland security one day after dhs secretary kirstjen nielsen was out, randall tex alles is told he's rufb removed as director of the secret service. the announcement catching many off guard, many finding out their boss was leaving by watching cnn. it was especially surprising since the president said this just last week. >> i could not be happier with secret service. secret service has done a fantastic job from day one. very happy with them. >> the white house says the president has picked career secret service official james m.
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m murray to replace alles. new behind the scenes details about kierstrstjen niels down fall. a senior administration official is telling cnn that over the last few months, the president has been pushing nielsen to enforce a stricter version of zero tolerance and family separations. that's the same policy trump himself rolled back, you'll recall, under heavy criticism. multiple sources say the president wanted families separated even if they were asylum seekers at legal ports of entry. now nielsen tried to explain the court rulings ban reinstating that policy. other white house staffers said it would be an unmitigated pr disaster. he deflected responsibility for the proposal, to congress and migrants themselves. the separation of families, you know, the president has said before he does not like that. it's a horrible practice, but congress has a way to fix that
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so that it will not be a magnet for people to come here and use children to do it. two weeks ago, the president ordered nielsen to shut down the port of el paso, texas. the next day, a person present at the oval office meeting says nielsen told trump closing the port would be a bad, even dangerous idea. she said it would end legal trade and travel while migrants would just go between ports. the president responded i don't care. acting chief of staff mick mulvaney seemed to talk the president out of closing the port. >> and just last friday, the president visited calexico, california, where he told border agents to not let migrants in. don't let them in no matter what a judge might say. after the president left, the agents then asked their bosses, what are we supposed to do? the supervisor said that the border agents had to follow the law, not the president's orders. >> remarkable.
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eric swalwell has become the 18th democrat running for president. the california congressman making his big announcement on the late show with stephen colbert. swalwell says he's been thinking about entering the race for months. he says too many americans feel like they are just running in place. >> i see a country in quick sand, unable to solve problems and threats from abroad, unable to make life better for people at home. nothing gets done, and none of that is going to change until we get a leader who is willing to go big on the issues we take on, be bold in the solutions we offer and do good in the way that we govern. i'm ready to solve these problems. i'm running for president of the united states. >> swalwell plans to hit the road with a frantic week of campaigning, hosting a town hall in sunrise, california, today focussing on gun violence, iowa on thursday, south carolina on friday, and his home district in california on sunday where he'll lay out what he calls his vision
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for the east bay, and america. a programming note, be sure to watch senator kirsten gillibrand in a live town hall, moderated by erin burnett, tonight at 10:00 p.m. actress felicity huffman and 12 parents will plead guilty to bribery and fraud charges until the college admission scandals. federal prosecutors allege huffman paid $15,000 to a fake charity to facilitate cheating for her daughters on the sats. the admissions scheme help students get into elite universities. huffman acknowledging her guilty and apologizing in a statement saying i am ashamed of the pain i have caused by daughter, my family, my friends, my colleagues and the educational community. my daughter knew absolutely nothing about my actions and in my misguided and profoundly wrong way, i have betrayed her.
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also stanford university has expelled a student linked to a $500,000 donation from the charity at the heart of the college admissions scam. it was apparently a gift for the stanford sailing program. investors will start to find out what the 737 crisis means for boeing's bottom line. it will report the number of planes it delivered during the quarter today. it didn't deliver any of the best selling 737 max planes in the last two weeks of the quarter. it halted the deliveries after the planes were grounded around the world following the ethiopian airlines crash last month. boeing's stock is down 11%. that shaves about $27 billion from its market cap. the stock closed down 4% monday after snounannouncing a plan to back production on all 737s. investors want to see if it
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halts the deliveries today is the look at the financial costs. boeing scheduled to report first quarter results april 24th. one analyst reports the disruption could last six to nine months and could take the company until 2021 to catch up on deliveries. israelis are headed to the polls with prime minister benjamin netanyahu facing the stiffest challenge of his political life. we are live in jerusalem next. and more questions about ride share safety. what police say an uber driver was caught doing on a doorbell camera. bleacher report update is brought to you by gillette, the best a man can get. guys go through a lot to deal with shave irritation. so, we built the new gillette skinguard with a specialized guard designed to reduce it. because we believe all men deserve a razor just for them. the best a man can get. gillette.
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it is election day in israel. in a matter of hours, prime minister benjamin netanyahu will learn whether he has won the fight of his political life. netanyahu seeking reelection for a fifth term faces multiple investigations. joining us live from jerusalem this morning, cnn's michael holmes. michael, good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you, dave. yeah, it is a little under ten hours left for israelis to get out and cast their votes. it's been a little slow moving at this particular polling station, but it's a beautiful day. it's a public holiday. people are going to get a late start, i think. what we're hearing from people as they come in. we're in a fairly conservative area. they are saying they are voting for some of the right wing parties. some saying we don't want to vote for benjamin netanyahu, but we will vote for liqud.
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if you went to tel aviv, you're going to find more people leaning toward benny gantz and the blue and white party. the last polls were friday, they are way out of date when it comes to israeli politics but they showed gantz with a few seats lead head-to-head against benjamin netanyahu but as you know well in this country, it is all about the coalition building. when those polls close and the votes start to be counted, the horse trading beginnings, and it's a matter of who can pull anywhere from 10 to 14 of the smaller parties to form a coalition and have the magic number of 61 seats in which to govern. according to the last polls, netanyahu has a slight edge when it comes to coalition building but this is israel. 10% of voters were undecided up until today. who knows. back to you, dave. >> we'll be watching all day, michael holmes, live in jerusalem, thank you, sir. the trump administration announcing it is formally
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designating iran's guard as a foreign terrorist organization. the move welcomed by prime minister benjamin netanyahu. he tweeted his thanks to president trump, and appeared to take some credit to the decision saying it came in response to his request. an uber driver in northern california under arrest after police say he tried to break into the home of passengers he just took to the airport. authorities say 38-year-old jackie gordon wilson was caught on a ring home surveillance camera burglarizing and ransacking a home in san mateo. the homeowners shared the video online, and neighbors identified him as the uber driver who tried to break into their house after taking them to the san francisco airport. is house speaker nancy pelosi trolling new congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez. we'll let you be the judge, next.
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quite a surprise monday for a florida family. wow, this is what they found. a huge 9 foot alligator, resting on the bottom of mike and senta evans backyard pool in palm beach gardens. >> was like mike, there's a gator in the pool. >> a chopper came out here with gear to get a 6 foot alligator down, and said that thing is 9 feet, and got more gear. >> the gator may have come in under a chain link fence. it's the beginning of alligator mating season, and gators may be venturing out more looking for love in all the wrong places. good luck lounging care free by that backyard pool. >> looking for love in your
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pool. nancy pelosi trolling new york congresswoman alexander ocasio-cortez. in an interview, the house speaker was asked about governing a caucus that is challenged at every turn by recently elected progressives ike aoc. pelosi responded there are people that have a large number of twitter followers, what's important is that we have large numbers of votes on the floor of the house. ocasio-cortez does have 3.9 twitter followers. no one else in the house comes close. will she respond on twitter this morning, you can count on it. 26 minutes past the hour, those brackets you filled out at the office, this morning, we know the team you should have picked. that's next. and just hours from now, democrats plan to hammer the attorney general about the mueller report, and how much of it we'll get to see. your top stories after this. since my dvt blood clot
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2:31 am
virginia captures its first ever men's basketball title in an overtime thriller. and democrats plan to grill the attorney general bill barr about the mueller report in a capitol hill hearing just hours from now. israelis voting right now as long time prime minister benjamin netanyahu's reign hangs in the balance. i'm ready to solve these problems. i'm running for president of the united states. >> a new democratic candidate just joined the 2020 race for the white house. that brings it to a whopping 18 in the crowded democratic field. healthy democratic field. welcome back to "early start." i'm krichristine romans. >> i'm dave briggs. 5:31 eastern time. we're guessing you didn't see
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this game because it tipped off at 9:20. that's where we start this morning. from national embarrassment to national champions, the virginia cavaliers putting the final touches on a remarkable turn around, beating texas tech 85-77 in overtime. one year ago, virginia became the only number one seed to lose to a 16 seed in the first round. they were smoked by umc. they exercised those demons last night in minneapolis thanks in large part to deandre hunter, scored a game high 27 points and drained that critical three-pointer with just under 15 seconds left to send it into overtime, and hunters three with just over 2 minutes left in overtime to put them ahead for good. hunter missed last year's tournament with a broken wrist making this title that much sweeter. >> the joy is in the competition, like i said, it's a great win from our program,
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great win for our coach. we have been working for this all season, and all that work just paid off. . >> and they are still partying in charlottesville, and the team returns home late this afternoon and an official celebration will take place at scott stadium saturday afternoon at 2:00 p.m. congrats to tony bennett, the head coach of the cavs. attorney general bill barr faces lawmakers this morning for the first time since issuing his four-page summary of the 300 plus page mueller report. we're already hearing from house democrats who plan to grill barr about it. house appropriations chairwoman nita lowey previewed her opening statement last night. your four-page summary seems to cherry pink to draw the most favorable conclusion possible for the president. to draw their own conclusions, democrats want the full mueller report as soon as possible. expect questions about
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redactions barr plans to make. manu raju has more. >> reporter: bill barr coming before the house appropriations subcommittee that oversees his budget to talk about the president's request for funding for the justice department but even though bill barr's opening statement does not mention the mueller report, that is going to be the focus of today's hearing. democrats in particular are planning to push bill barr over the four-page letter he sent outlining the top line conclusions of the mueller investigation. also they want to understand why he did not charge the president with obstruction of justice with his decision making behind that, as well as how he's handling the effort to redact information from the mueller report before it becomes public. i had a chance to talk to one congressman who plans to do the questioning at today's hearing, and he said redactions are going to be a key line of questioning. >> how much is he going to redact? and i hope that he takes a very sparing approaching to his
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redactions because he knows that everybody's going to want to know what's behind the black in ink. >> reporter: this is the start of two days of testimony for bill barr. he will come before the senate appropriations budget committee that oversees his budget on wednesday. today is a first sense of how barr plans to handle the mueller report, and see if it sheds any light on his thinking. president trump appears to be overseeing a systemic purge at the department of homeland security. one day after kirstjen nielsen was forced out, randolph tex alles has been told he is being removed as director of the secret service. the announcement catching officials off guard. many found out their boss was leaving by watching cnn. it was especially surprising since the president said this just last week. >> i could not be happier with secret service. secret service has done a fantastic job from day one. very happy with them.
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>> the white house says the president has picked career secret service official james m. murray to replace alles. new behind the scenes details about kirstjen nielsen's down fall, and the many times she would not break the law to further the president's hard line immigration policies. senior administration officials telling cnn that over the last few months, the president has been pushing nielsen to enforce a stricter version of zero tolerance and family separations. that's the same policy trump rolled back under heavy criticism. multiple sources say the president wanted families spr t separated even if they were asylum seekers at a legal port of entry. nielsen tried to explain that court hearings banned reinstating the policy. hogan gidley explained the need for the proposal on congress and migrant themselves. >> the separation of families,
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you know, the president has said before he does not like that, it's a horrible practice but congress has a way to fix that so it will not be a magnet for people to come here and use children to do it. >> about two weeks ago, the president ordered nielsen to shut down the port of el paso, texas. the next day, a person present at the oval office meeting where that happened said nielsen told trump closing the port would be a bad, even dangerous idea. she said it would stop legal trade and legal travel and migrants would just go between ports. two witnesses say the president responded i don't care. acting chief of staff mick mulvaney seems to have been able to talk the president out of closing the port. just last friday, the president visited calexico, california, where he told border agents, simply to not let migrants in no matter what a judge might say. after the president left, the agents asked their boss what they should do. the supervisor said they should follow the law, not the
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president's order sgls th. >> they didn't want their border agents to be legally liable if something were to happen. >> let's bring in zach wolf, he's live in washington, and some of the background, the twists and turns have been fascinating. you look at a department of homeland security that's being emptied out here right down the line. you have a couple of people expected to be fired or asked to be let go. you have the homeland security secretary gone, the u.s. secret service director tex alles is going to be asked to leave. my question is what is the impact of all of these vacancies when you have a crisis at the border. >> i'm trying to imagine what a tougher immigration policy is going to look like. i mean, it's not like kirstjen nielsen has been not defending the president's policies in a very tough way. i think, you know, not being tough is not the word i would
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use to describe her. she was sort of the face of the family separation policy and all of this stuff. who is going to be the person who's going to be even tougher than she is, you know, or any of these other trump appointees. he's basically purging his own staff here. it's a remarkable thing i think we're seeing. and i've never, you know, if you try to think back, it's hard to find something that even sort of feels like this. it feels like a big thing. >> well, you asked who could be tougher, the pan who's at least suggesting he would be tougher when it comes to immigration, is kris kobach, former secretary of state of kansas, and he did his audition last night on fox tv. here's what he said how he would do things differently. >> leadership at that agency for the past two years, ever since the president took office has been unwilling to execute many of the president's plans, and there has been deliberate foot dragging and i think that's why you're seeing the white house take the necessary steps to
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clean house at dhs. >> kobach the guy who led that voter fraud panel that's now disbanded because they were chasing ghosts, essentially. the president's misinformed opinions. what is kobach suggesting, unwilling to execute many of the president's plans, what could have kirstjen nielsen have done and could that guy get through senate confirmation. >> to take the necessary steps might essentially be ignoring the law, which, you know, is kind of a frightening thing. if you have one, you know, secretary of homeland security who won't execute certain things, who won't do certain things regarding asylum, because they don't think the law supports it, and you find somebody else who does, that's kind of a disturbing precedent, i think, to set. it suggests that you don't feel like there's one standard for the law, you're just going to go
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around it or ignore it, which is really frightening. >> there has been no suggestion of how to fix asylum laws or any legislative proposal that congress can work with. that would be a good start. >> in the meantime, you're watching washington where you're wondering how the president governs, or learning to govern two years ago into this. you have acting leaders, the president says he likes that, because it gives him flexibility. you don't have permanent head of positions in his cabinet. you have only three women in his cabinet now that kirstjen nielsen is gone. can you draw a line from the lack of women in the cabinet, the lack of the women in the trump administration to all the women who are candidates in the democratic field. it's an interesting two sides of the coin, isn't it? >> it really is, and especially democrats have tried to, you know, make their platform appeal to women, you know, for a long time in the last couple of
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elections in particular. i think there's certainly something there, and that's going to definitely continue as we head into 2020 with all of these candidate. >> those women running, kamala harris, elizabeth warren, eric swalwell joined that field last night on the colbert primary. let's talk about the massive field, who does that favor having so many people in, zach? >> so many people in but not the guy who's on top of these admittedly very early polls. joe biden you would think has the best name recognition. he's not in the race yet. if he chooses to come in, he would immediately take up a lot of the oxygen. i think having such a big field probably helps people who have more name recognition. it's going to be hard to bust out, to get noticed, i think, in a field this large, even in the
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small state of, you could take a road trip around iowa and probably run into three or four of these people as they drive around. bag person who gets buzz is going to be really hard for somebody that most people have never heard of. >> in the first quarter of 2007, barack obama who was just coming on to the scene, raised 23 1/2 million dollars, when we look at the fundraising numbers. >> bernie sanders is the only one close. >> 12 million, about hatch -- half of that. comparatively speaking that's an interesting fact. israelis are heading to the polls right now with prin benjamin netanyahu facing the -- prime minister benjamin netanyahu facing the stiffest challenge of his political life. we go live to jerusalem next. e . you see me. but if you saw me before cosentyx... ♪ i was covered. it was awful.
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and in a matter of hours, prime minister benjamin netanyahu will learn whether he won the political fight of his life. netanyahu seeking reelection for a fifth term and a formidable opponent in benny gantz. joining us live is michael holmes. what are you seeing this morning? >> reporter: it's been a steady trickle behind us at this polling station in jerusalem. not been a flood. that will come later. it's a public holiday. people are having a slow start to their day. there is plenty of time to vote. the numbers will increase as the day goes on. where we are is a fairly conservative area. people have been telling us they're voting with likud, benjamin netanyahu's party. a lot of people saying they are not voting for benjamin netanyahu, those corruption allegations have tarnished him somewhat and some people think enough is enough in terms of how long he has been in office but plenty of support for him here.
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if you went down to tel aviv, benny gantz and his blue and white party would be the ones people would be saying they are voting more for. it's always about head-to-head here in terms of who's going to get the option to form a new government, pull together a coalition, and they've got to do that. there's more than 40 parties in this election. probably 10 to 14 of them will pass the threshold of 3.25% of the vote in order to get seats. and it's from there that netanyahu or benny gantz are going to have to draw allies and try to get to the magical number of 61 seats. there will be exit polls coming out just after the polls close at 10:00 p.m. local. that will be our first ne indication of how this has gone. >> michael we'll be watching all day. thank you, sir. let's get a check on cnn business. global markets are mixed this morning. the u.s. is hardening trade stance against europe, threatening tariffs on $11 billion on u.s. goods in
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retaliation for subsidies to air bus. it would wine, cheese and frozen fish. on wall street, futures are down ju just a little bit, almost directionless. u.s. stocks closed higher on monday. boeing dragged down the dow. boeing fell 4% on news it would slow 737 max production. the s&p 500, though, up for the 8th day in a row. this is the longest winning streak since october 2017. the nasdaq also up. both within spitting distance of record highs. a bubbling crude oil hits a five month high, jumping 2% closing above $64 a barrel. oil has surged 50% from its christmas eve lows. a surge of violence in opec member libya deepened concerns about diminished oil supplies. the rallying oil prices have been driven primarily by opec's aggressive supply cuts, u.s.
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sanctions on venezuela and iran have trimmed crude supply and that also drives up prices. the avengers have one more shot at taking down thanos, and it looks like amc theaters will be packed to see this happen. amc's stock soared almost 9% monday after an analyst upgraded it to a buy on strong advanced ticket sales of end game. they broke a record for presales in six hours. more impressive because the amc and fandango sites crashed. how is tony stark going to get back in space. that's my question. >> no more trailers, i don't want to have anymore spoilers in my head. i cannot wait for that movie. whoopi goldberg steps in to play peacemaker on the view. >> here's what's not going to
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and reaches everywhere. this is beyond wifi, this is xfi. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity, the future of awesome. baltimore orioles, chris davis is in the second year of a 7 year, $161 million year. the team's highest paid player can't buy a hit. he is now 0 for his last 49. that is a new major league record for consecutive at bats by a position player without a hit. davis's hitless streak dates back to last season, september 14th. you would hear the boos, but i don't think there were enough fans there. things got heated on the view as liberal joy behar and liberal meghan mccain. the two needed whoopi goldberg to step in while talking about
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immigration at the southern border. >> this is a hard line issue for people who live in border states. many friends of mine, this is number one and only issue, and if we sit here and act like there isn't a crisis, it's crazy people living in border states that think there's a crisis. >> like i just said, this guy who's coming in wants to help those countries. that's the way to solve the problem. keep them there happy or whatever. give them a house. give them food, help them, help their children. stop the crime rates. i'm talking about helping. i'm listening to you. let me finish. >> yeah, but parts of your job is to listen to me. i'm just saying. >> here's the deal. here's what's not going to happen today. we're not going to do this. everybody gets a conversation piece. everybody gets to say their piece and we don't need to comment if we don't like what we're hearing. just let folks talk. finish what you're saying. >> i forgot what it was now. >> we here do listen to one
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another. do you have anything else to add? >> talk to the hand. >> okay. good. while you were sleeping, the late night show squeezing laughs from the president's move to force out dhs secretary kirstjen nielsen. >> nielsen stepping down is like jurassic park movies where a little dinosaur passes by, and you look back, and there's a t rex chasing it, oh, that's why it was running. >> one person is not feeling like a champion right now, is secretary of homeland security kirstjen nielsen, seen here as happy as she'll ever be again. >> because last night nielsen resigned as trump's homeland security secretary. >>. [ cheering and applause ] >> i believe she's leaving to spend more time separating her family. >> getting ready for secretary of homeland security penny wise.
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and of course she will be taking his place. >> i got to say, some of the, i mean, that was pretty cruel, but pressure cooker for her the last couple of month. >> maybe relief sets in nfor nielsen. a full scale purge. >> the president is removing people because they refuse to violate the law. >> he's been undermined. it is not surprising loyalty would become verification. all eyes on bill barr when he comes to capitol hill. democratic members plan to ask about the mueller report. >> what's on everybody's mind is how much is he going to redact? >> barr can duck. he can say, we're still evaluating. get the shot, end of regulation.
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virginia with the all-time turnaround title. >> announcer: this is if the new day" with allison cisyn camerot john berman. >> this is "new day." tuesday, april 9th, 6:0 0 in ne york. virginia did not lose. >> is that the headline? >> everyone thought because that's what they do when they get to the tournament. they didn't. they ended up getting all the way to the finals and winning in overtime. congratulations to the cavaliers. no one thought you could do it, including me. all right. this morning, near unprecedented upheaval in the trump administration, specifically the department of homeland security, and any agency that handles immigration. you can see the gravity and chaos of the situation by the quotes coming from inside the administration itself and the president's own party. one senior white house official calls


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